Birthday Baskets for Social Workers

LOCATION 608 Jackson St Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401 DESCRIPTION

Child welfare workers courageously step into difficult situations every day. They are on the front lines of seeking permanency and safety for vulnerable families, children, and communities. This often means they are right in the middle of the chaos and heartache of broken lives. Their work is demanding, stressful, and they are often under-resourced and over-burdened. Birthday baskets are a way of celebrating workers on their special day and reminding them that they are seen and valued. Items for the baskets can be purchased by individuals or by small groups wanting to serve together.

All ages
TIME Start: 2/1/2024 3:00pm  End: 12/31/2024 3:00pm CATEGORY Arts & Crafts, Community Outreach, Family/Kid Friendly, Indoors SKILLS NEEDED Not Specified SUPPLIES NEEDED Not Specified TOOLS NEEDED Not Specified 8 PEOPLE NEEDED